Lesson Plans Band I - VI - Weeks 29 - 27
Learning Goal:
Through performance of current music, students will: Demonstrate characteristic tone on his/her instrument, Understand musical symbols for rhythm and pitch, Develop balance and blend with the ensemble, Continually increase the level of musical expression, Develop an appreciation for the aesthetics of music. SCALE: I / II / III / IV / V
Theory Units 7 - 9
E Harmonic Minor
A Harmonic Minor
D Harmonic Minor
G Harmonic Minor
C Harmonic Minor
F Harmonic Minor
Technical and Melodic Etudes
Sight-Reading/new literature
key signature calculation method, interval, generic interval, unison, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, octave, specific interval, major second, major third, perfect fourth, perfect fifth, major sixth, major seventh, perfect octave, interval quality, minor interval, augmented interval, diminished interval, inversion, chord, root, major triad, minor triad, augmented triad, diminished triad
Practice Journals
Theory Analysis - 7, 8, 9
SmartMusic Assignments
Rubank Melodic Etudes - 9,10,12
Rubank Technical Etudes - 7, 8, 9
Scales (Above)
Rehearsal Attendance