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1st Nine Weeks Music Technology August 10th, 2016 - October 14th 2016


waveform view-18 sine wave-26 pitch-19 triangle wave-26 frequency-20 sawtooth-wave-26 hertz (Hz)-20 square wave-26 period 20-pulse wave-26 ultrasonic-21 noise-27 white noise-27 Shepard tones-22 pink noise-27 loudness-22 phase cancellation-28 amplitude-22 articulation, 28 decibels of sound pressure level (dB SPL)-23 amplitude envelope-29 attack,– decay– sustain– release envelope (ADSR)-29 threshold of hearing-23 threshold of pain-23 attack– release envelope (AR)-30 temporary threshold shift-24 rhythm-31 timbre-26 transient patterns-31 waveform-26 beat detection-31

Objectives: Students will understand...

What is sound - physics of sound.

Relationship between perceptual and physical properties of sound

Overtone Series and sound spectrum

Audio representation on the computer

Audio editing and shaping

Creating a sound scape using recorded or imported sounds

Essential Question: Why is it important to understand the physical properties of sound?


Create/edit/produce 2 minute soundscape using Audacity implementing concepts of sound properties and sound control.

Procedure - Agenda:

Log in to Computer

Call up current software in discussion

Continue current project or task

New instruction/concept

Exercise/explore new concept using appropriate software

Learning Goal: Students will understand and control the fundamental properties of sound, its representation on the computer, and be able to manipulate sound to create a composition using audio editing software.

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